Sunday, January 30, 2011

Paper Art Fail Whale

We used to make these quilled paper images when I was a little girl. This craft fad came right after string art. This is like a blast from the past, modernized.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011, Massive Animal Death Map

This just in...thousands of dead doves "hanging like ornaments" in trees.

I raise doves. This gets uglier by the moment.My father designed nuclear guidance systems for GE. I grew up during the cold war with the constant fear that our town would be nuked. An alarm rang everyday at noon. If it rang at any other time we knew we would die. Excuse my paranoia, but I have been waiting for the end of the world since I was a child.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Birds Mourn Too

The Year of The Blackbird

Photograph by Kyle Cassidy of his own blackbird discovery on his nightstand.

Was it an omen? Last year I held blackbirds in my hand on two separate occasions. The first one hit my bedroom window and passed out. I brought him inside and he sat on my hand for a bit before I let him go.
About a month ago our car hit a blackbird. I held him in my hands while we rushed him to the vet. He died en route.

And now, beginning on New Year's Eve, blackbirds are falling from the sky like rain.

I have decided to dub 2011 the year of the blackbird. Are they ill? Disoriented? What is happening to the blackbirds?

Jan 2, 2011:

Thousands of blackbirds fell from the sky on New Year's Eve right before midnight. Thousands of fish are dead too, but this might not be related.

January 3, 2011:
Here's a radio report on NPR.

Jan 4, 2011:
500 Blackbird fall from the sky in Louisiana. Go HERE.