Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Year of The Blackbird

Photograph by Kyle Cassidy of his own blackbird discovery on his nightstand.

Was it an omen? Last year I held blackbirds in my hand on two separate occasions. The first one hit my bedroom window and passed out. I brought him inside and he sat on my hand for a bit before I let him go.
About a month ago our car hit a blackbird. I held him in my hands while we rushed him to the vet. He died en route.

And now, beginning on New Year's Eve, blackbirds are falling from the sky like rain.

I have decided to dub 2011 the year of the blackbird. Are they ill? Disoriented? What is happening to the blackbirds?

Jan 2, 2011:

Thousands of blackbirds fell from the sky on New Year's Eve right before midnight. Thousands of fish are dead too, but this might not be related.

January 3, 2011:
Here's a radio report on NPR.

Jan 4, 2011:
500 Blackbird fall from the sky in Louisiana. Go HERE.

1 comment:

  1. it's weird when they show up _inside your house_.
